
hajaセンター①/ haja centre 1

haja centre was the centre for teenagers where they cuold learn the latest skills in some fields of expressions such as visual design, pop-music, film making, fasion, etc. The fee was rathre cheap. Teenagers could afford to. Many teenagers went there after school. But most active people were so called "de-schooled kids". They belonged to the alternative school, "haja school".


Preparation of IDEC Korea 3/ 韓国IDECの実行委員会との打合せ

Most of the organizing members of this IDEC are in their twenties. The host is not a school but a committee of youth. In Korea, the situations young people face is very hard. High school students have to study so many hours without enough sleep. Even at universities, quite a few students devote thier time to prepare for examinations to get licenses for recruitment. Young working people are in very difficult situation. Many of them recieve 8,800USD per month. They want to change these situation. They want to have another way of life. The committee members think free democratic education can do important thing.

Preparation of IDEC Korea 2/ 韓国IDEC打合せ・全体会場

This is one of the buildings in IDEC venue. These two people are the graduates of local alternative school, Byopsi School. They are two of IDEC organizing members. Participants will have meals in this building. Exhibitions of participant organizations are also here.

Preparation of IDEC Korea 1/ 韓国IDECの実行委員会との打合せ

These are members of IDEC2014Korea Committee. This consists of two groups. One is a group of graduates of the local alternative school. Another group is the students of the democratic university students. They prepare six days a week from morning till late often. Thank you for their hard working.


韓国・ソウルのミンドゥルレ/ Midlre in Seoul, Korea

Midlre has been publishing company for 16 years. They publish magazines and books about childcentered education. Naturally teengagers gathered at the office. It became a free democratic school. Today I talked my experience at Shure University to teachers of free democratic schools in Seoul. The conversations with them was very interesting.