
日韓若者フォーラム⑧ Korean-Japanese Forum for Youth Issue


Today we had a sharing meeting about "Korean-Japanese Forum for Youth Issue" at Shure Univeristy. Not only Shure University students but also graduates, staff members joined this meeting. More members than expected joined this. We served Korean sweets and tea which we bought in Seoul. We reported the detailed schedule including the declaration with pictures. We also introduced activities of the participant organizations. Many people asked about Sai Lab of Mindlre, haja centre and Odessey School.


日韓若者フォーラム⑧ Korean-Japanese Forum for Youth Issue


"Sai-Lab" of Mindlre and Youth Corse of haja center are so active in Korea. Most of the members are in their 20's. Because the teen agers of Korean alternative school have been considering altnertive way of life during their life at their alternative school. These youth in their 20's concentrate more on this issue of laternative way of life. For these fifteen years, these Korean youth came to research about Shure University for one week or came and made a film together. We have built good relathionship because we share these interests.


日韓若者フォーラム⑧ Korean-Japanese Forum for Youth Issue よりどころ宣言/Declaration of the place and the relation for Being the self

The declaration is below. Yoridokoro means the place and the relation for Being the self.

비빌 언덕의선언/ 「よりどころ」宣言

비빌 언덕의 의미, 가치, 역할 / 「よりどころ」の意味、価値、役割  

1 私たちは、全ての人とりわけ若者達に、自分が自分自身をよく理解して、人を尊重しながらも自分を尊重することができる、そのような基盤となるようなよりどころが必要であると宣言します。

우리는 모든 사람에게, 특히 청년들에게 자기를 이해할 있고, 타인을 존중하면서도 자신을 존중할 있는 환경, 네트워크가 필요하다고 선언한다.
우리는 모든 사람에게, 특히 청년들에게 실패했을 다시 도전하는 것을 지지(지탱) 있는 안전망이 필요하다고 선언한다.


비빌 언덕으로 사람들을 연결할 방향 / 「よりどころ」のつながり方사회가 비빌 언덕의 중요성을 인식하고 비빌 언덕을 모든 측면에서 지지할 필요가 있다.모든 사람은 자기의 비빌 언덕으로 연결될 권리가 있으며 가족과 주변인들은 그것을 존중할 필요가 있다.

2  社会がよりどころの重要性を認識し、よりどころをすべての側面から支える必要がある。すべての人々は、自分のよりどころにつながる権利があり、家族と周辺の人々はそれを尊重する必要がある。

비빌 언덕 네트워크의 구성 방향 / 「よりどころ」ネットワークの構成方向のミッション우리는 다양한 개인이 다양한 비빌 언덕을 만날 있도록 하기 위하여 비빌 언덕 네트워크를 만든다.온라인과 오프라인에서 정기적으로 만나는 기회를 만든다. 단체들마다 비빌 언덕 네트워크를 전담하는 교류 담당자를 둔다.

3 私たちは、多様な個人が多様なネットワークに出会えるようによりどころネットワークをつくる。オンラインとオフラインで定期的に出会う機会をつくる。それぞれの団体はよりどころネットワークの担当者を置く。

우리는 이러한 목적을 실현하기로 마음을 모은다.

비빌 언덕 네트워크가 하는 (미션) / 「よりどころ」のネットワーク

The Declaration of “Yoridokoro”
1.      We declare all the people especially young people have right to have the basis where the person can understand the self deeply and respect both the self and the others.
We declare all the people, especially young people need the safety net to support them in the case of their failure.
2.      Society should recognize this importance of “yoridokoro” and support in many ways. All the people have right to access own “yoridokoro”. The family members and the people surrounding the person should respect this right.
3.      We found the network for diverse people to meet diverse network. We will make regular meeting on line and off line. Each participant organization has the person in charge for this network.

We declare to make our minds to realize this purpose.

The network of Yoridokoro


日韓若者フォーラム⑦ Korean-Japanese Forum for Youth Issue


Odessey School is new project of Seoul City and free democratic schools there. 10th graders spend a year at free democratic schools. The students are acreditied through this programme. City government called for forty students. Ond hundred students applied. Mindlre accepts 14 of them. This program becomes a model and some city governments introduce similar projects.


日韓若者フォーラム⑥ Korean-Japanese Forum for Youth Issue Sai-Lab・Mindlre

Sai-Lab is the youth members project at Midlre. Mindlre started as a publishing company for education. Soon teenagers came and stayed there. Accordingly they started a free democratic school. Sai-Lab includes graduates of Midlre and other members. They are mostly in their 20s. They are so active and caring. They plan this forum with many wxciting discussions.

日韓若者フォーラム⑤ Korean-Japanese Forum for Youth Issue よりどころ宣言・The Declaration of beeing the self


On 22nd, we release "The Declaration of Yoridokoro" at BS City Hall Congress Hall. The declaration clears everyone especialy youth has right to access the place and relation being the self. It took long till 3am on previous day. This conference became moving one.


日韓若者フォーラム④ Korean-Japanese Forum for Youth Issue


After the daytime session, we went to a live house. We enjoyed music of Ujasalon Band. This activity was operated by one of the haja based social enterprises. Youth who are relactant to going out learned rock and pop music. This is the last stage for then after six year music career. The last song is for the other youth who stay at home. They expressed their love for them.

日韓若者フォーラム③ Korean-Japanese Forum for Youth Issue


The venue of the seceond day is the Chon-doku Library. They use the oldest middle school building as a public library. We discussed things for the declaration which will be publicesd on the last day.


日韓若者フォーラム② Korean-Japanese Forum for Youth Issue


The venue on 20th was at haja center. I wrote about haja center several times in this blog. This place is one of the oldest Korean alternative school. Everytime I visit haja, haja shows different faces. They change their structure often. In 2014 summer, there were about ten social enterprise. It was incubation center for social enterprise. But now haja production school is the main of haja center. They have departments of junior high, senior high and youth. The youth department studens lead the activities. They participated this forum and they say their opinion based on their activities.

日韓若者フォーラム① Korean-Japanese Forum for Youth issue


From 20th November, here in Seoul, Korea, the forum is held for a few days. It is about making the society beeter place to live in for youth. Korean and Japanese youth and adults came together. The organizer of this forum is "SaiLab", a department of Midlre which was started as
publishing company for progressive education especially about alternative education. This person in the picture is one of the members of "SaiLab". She visited Shure University last summer. We
talk a lot about "the base place or community for youth".