
韓国・夏⑬IDEC エコロジーの思想/Thoughts of Ecology

The people of Korean alternative education are quite critical about today's society as a physically affluent capitalism society. Many of staff members experienced Korean civil rights movements in 1980’s. How they grasp the roots of the social problems and how to deal with those are the characteristics of Korean alternative education. They think about the problems such as increasing gap between the rich and the poor, divisions of food producers and consumers, and divisions of energy producing region and consuming region. They look for another way of life in which individuals can produce foods and energy for the self as much as possible. This interests are shared among the alternative education people in Korea.


韓国・夏⑫IDEC 日韓共催「若者の生き難さ」/ Japan-Korea co-hosting "Difficulty of Living for Youth"

A group of Shure University students and a group of Korean IDEC people made a session about "Difficulty of Living for Youth". Both of teams explained about it in each societies. Then in rest of thirty minutes, the people in the room exchanged their opinions. From Japanese team, young people feel they cannot decide important things in their lives. They feel they should follow the decided process not to drop off the rail of the lives. We also explained school cliques. Korean team introduced the result of the survey to Korean young people and a life of a typical Korean college student. The Korean participants there said that Japanese situation is same in Korea. For example, young people bind each other through mobile phone or SNS such as LINE and Cacao Talk. We needed more time to discuss about this issue.


韓国・夏⑪IDEC 国境平和スクール:Border Peace School


There is an alternative school near lat. 38 North, in front of DMZ. Border Peace School(BPS) is the name of it. BPS is far from Korean major sities. So, they have a domitory. The purpose of this school is to grow peace makers. It is three year alternative colledge. So, the graduates cannot get the diploma. The ages of students varies rom 18 till 50's. The campus of BPS locates just near by Waljonni Station. That is the most north station in Korea. And this station was bombed during Korean War. They use the building which the local government provides. This is the picture of the class room of BPS.


韓国・夏⑩IDEC 出版社とオルタナティブスクール、Publishing Company & Alternative School

Mindle is the publishing company and the alternative school. In late 1990's, one youth wrote a book about his experience of de-schooling. No other publishing company published. So, an editor founded this publishing company and published the book. They have also published learner centered magazine "Mindle". Young people came here. Naturally they started the alternative school "Space Mindle". Mindle means a dandelion flower. The warm atmosphere of Mindlre has something in common with Japanese free democratic schools. Mindle has been in the middle of Korean alternative education movement with Gandhi Schools. We visited Mindle at night. We have chatted and enjoyed music till late.


韓国・夏⑨IDECセウォル号の事故について・The accident of the ferry "Sewol"

     The accident of the ferry "Sewol" is very big issue in Korean society. About 300 senior high students are dead. They made songs and took video them. Some of them are on the web after they found dead. One of the IDEC committee member told me they've got very heavy question. "Why such creative children didn't doubt what the crews ordered. That is problem of education." This is a picture taken IDEC. We mourn the dead children after the morning meeting.


韓国・夏⑧IDEC ツアーデイ・IDEC Tour Day DMZ tour

Fifth day of IDEC is tour day. eleven courses are offered. Fourteen of Japan Free School Network deligation joined DMZ(demilitarized zone) tour. We went to DMZ and visited "Border Peace School". Border Peace School is a small boarding school founded in 2013 for making peace makers. After we visited the school, a teacher from the school accompanied us and explained about DMZ. The exsisitence of the front line and DMZ has big meaning in Korean sciety.