
MIFS⑦お互いを大切にしあう文化・People of Great Hospitality

These are the people of great hospitality. All through our stay till the last minutes at the airport, MIFS people are so nice to us. They try to imagine our situations, then suggest something or help us. Quite few students transfered to MIFS from other schools. In the previous schools, they often had hard time such as being bullied. At MIFS they have the culture of caring each other. They say they enjoy the this atomosphere. They feel they are accepted at MIFS as a person. They say it's pleasure for them to be nice to others and it's natural to do so in their culture.
  MIFSは転校してくる人が多く、前にいた学校ではいじめられた経験があったり、なかなかつらい体験を持ってくる人が珍しくありません。 MIFSに来てもしばらくは、打ち解けなかったり、警戒感を持っていることがよくあるそうです。MIFSの子ども・若者たちは人への距離感が近く、とても 親切なのですが、そのような他者への優しさは、MIFSの中で尊重され、肯定されているという実感から来ているように感じられます。

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