IDEC2019 Kiev Opening/ 大会の始まり
IDEC2019 has started in Kiev. This year we have two parts. One is in Kiev and another is in Vinnytsia. More than 700 people participated here in Kiev. Liko School is the venue here. Three ladies from Kiev organizing team made speeches. A representative from Nepal also informed the next IDEC & APDEC will be from 15th till 19th or 20th October 2020.
APDEC2019オーストラリア大会③ Visit to Currunbena/ カランベーナ訪問
The second day, 16th is the day of Curranbena. The whole conference moved to Curranbena and celebrated its 50th anniversary. Students, ex-students and staff member told about the history and uniqueness of Curranbena, "Active listening" and "I statement" are the key phrases at Currumbena School. Mutual respect is the basis of Currambena education. It was very fruitful time with Currumbena people.
APDEC2019オーストラリア大会② 大会の開会
Firstly we had a speech about the aboliginal tradition. Actually we had a "condensed" time. The first lecture is about Summerhill by Henry. We had a session of graduates of Curranbena, interesting lectures and questions and answers session till 21:30. The themes of the lectures are the reformation of public high school to more democratic high school, Korean democratic education and the tragedy of the ferry, and the e
ducation of Australia and Finland. We have teenager members and they said it was very interesting.
ducation of Australia and Finland. We have teenager members and they said it was very interesting.
APDEC2019オーストラリア大会① 大会の始まり
15th of July is the first day of APDEC2019. APDEC stands for Aisa Pacific Democratic Education Conference/ Community. This APDEC is in Sydney. Currumbena School is the local democratic school. We cerebrate thier fifty year cerebration tomorrow during the conference. Approximately 300 people are from countries and
societies of Asia and Pacific regeon.This is the fourth APDEC but this conference is a part of IDEC(International Democratic Education Conference) movement.This conference is important opportunity of reunion of democratic education people in this regeon.
societies of Asia and Pacific regeon.This is the fourth APDEC but this conference is a part of IDEC(International Democratic Education Conference) movement.This conference is important opportunity of reunion of democratic education people in this regeon.
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